At Mazada Group, we are committed to a “Full Compliance Culture”, giving health, safety and environmental matters the highest priority in all of our activities, and which we managed through our comprehensive Quality, Health, Safety & Environmental (Q-HSE) Management System. We recognize that Q-HSE is a fundamental and integral part of everyday business and this is continually communicated to all employees through internal training programmers. We believe that our internal and external training programmers are the key to providing the continuous improvement we seek and strive for, in our effort to achieve ZERO accidents or incidents.
The Mazada Group Q-HSE system equips our employees with all the necessary tools to build, review, revise and document “Safe Systems of Work” for all our work activities. Hazard Analysis, Risk Assessment, Method Statements, Calculation, Lifting Studies, Rigging Studies, and Transporting Studies, are all a part of daily life, written and executed to the best industry standards by trained, skilled and competent staff. We require all employees, contractors, sub-contractors, visitors and any others who may be affected by our operations to share this commitment by complying with our policies and procedures, and to understand that they too have legal and moral obligations to themselves and to one another.
Employees are our most valuable asset and we do our best to ensure that their safety goes beyond the implementation and compliance of regulations, policies, procedures and safety audits. Our commitment to safety does not end with our employees; it also includes the safety of all others who may be directly or indirectly involved in any of our operations.
Mazada Group take great pride in its long history of continuous improvement in all areas of Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental matters. Our commitment to introducing new and better safety systems of work along with the improvement in current systems across our many operational activities reflects our clients’ demanding requirements. We continually use our Q-HSE process as a management system for conducting our business with care and professionalism.
Regularly reviewed all stages of our operations in line with and going beyond modern day requirements, we believe that our aptitude to meet this need is a significant competitive advantage in an ever-changing world.
Health, Safety & Environmental matters are our first priority and whilst quality, productivity and cost are core business values. We will not compromise Health, Safety or Environmental matters in all our operations. It is through our training, continuous development and involvement of our employees, and the commitment of our management that we will ensure the well-being of everyone at and associated with Mazada.